Friday 13 May 2016






New experiences I have come across in this unit for me was the collaboration aspect of working together as a group, in your own practices your quite isolated but yet surrounded by others of who you don’t exactly collaborate with. Another new experience was the placement- I openly admit I was not the most enthusiastic pupil and tended to stray away from school of which I could never dream of wanting to step back in one, but in that placement I realised that I would enjoy it- during that 4 week placement I saw different teaching styles to different year groups.. I realised how different teaching is now to when I was at school, the technology used now was way different to what I used and even the students are different to how I was, when I got talking to the students I had to remind them how lucky they were in this generation as I was so jealous that at the age of 12 onwards that they could use MACs, Photoshop, Pinterest, sewing machines, graphics, art history, photography, textiles and even have the experience of them having university students in the school. What I took away from the school is the passion both students and staff had for all of their futures and that subject taught. Each teacher I saw brought their own personality to the table, they teach in the way they found comfortable, they teach on how they learn. Whilst observing they reminded me of Amy Cuddys power poses of the stance and the volume of voices. What I can take away from this unit is the motivation and enjoyment of the area I specialise in and use my knowledge and the technology around me to learn something new. On the teaching side I’m still a bit wary if that could be me when I graduate, I do not want to rule it out but it definitely is something I would consider and having the placement on my CV will bring light to a job as well as having links to the school of even visiting the school again to do more.
My engagement through this unit has been throughout, I have learnt something new every day... of having talk about special needs to talks about programmes available at university and then talks on different kinds of ice breakers to get the workshops going to then the many ways of feedback and how to benefit from constructive feedback. All these quick sessions have given me new ways to look into my practice and develop it more especially the feedback side of how I can ask for specific feedback I’m wanting and different ways to give feedback in a formal and informal way.
I was given the opportunity to produce 3 workshops for very different ages.
Z arts I had most interaction in as being placed in a smaller group, I felt I had more interaction and more involvement on taking it upon myself to have visual imagery for the group to see the workshop in context as well as sharing our responsibility of buying the materials together- for the z arts work shop I would of changed to just using paint and not ink as we had very talented and hyper children that day where ink was on their hands which stained a little, other than that I felt that the activity was suitable for the age group.
Daca being the second placement now, I did have interaction during the idea process as I really went for it bringing ideas to the table of having visual imagery to go by, and once broke down again I had very strong ideas of bike wheels etc. (ambitious?) but when the idea was decided I was relatively happy with the workshop but I felt distracted with it being a continuous talk about what we were doing as others got confused with what the outcome was going to be etc.. so towards the planning stages I wasn’t very interactive or as involved as well as the actual time planning sheet though I volunteered to the dye station as I know about Brusho dyes as I work with them a lot so I would be more helpful with that station than any other but when we had to give each others jobs of when to talk through things I felt left out as it was always the same people talking and not letting anyone else have ago at it, then the same people talking over each other- so I guess I did sit back towards the end, and if I had the opportunity to the workshop again I would of argued the case of having a responsibility of talking. Most of all the group overcame a situation during the upcoming days for the workshop, due to another workshop being cancelled so we had to take on the other group, at first it was a strain as members didn’t want to join the group as they felt bad for us doing all the work so far, and then we as the original group felt more of a strain of having to include them, from how we already had our job roles sorted- once we included the group some members really did take part and came to the group talks whereas two other members really did not want to be part of it and did not respond to any messages.. so as a group we had to discuss where they will be placed in the workshop, what their job roles would be on the day as just TA’s or just taking pictures- so from that hiccup I feel that as a group we became stronger and realised that things don’t always go to plan and you have to negotiate with each other and move forward.
For all the workshops I have faced, it has to be the pop up Pom Pom’s that has really been the most overwhelming and enjoyable experience for me. The girls worked so hard to create a fun workshop. Generally all the group had felt more confident as we had tackled the most difficult workshops- I preferred Unit X workshop for it being catered to adults. I found it much easier to adapt to my surroundings in this workshop, As well as I understood the outcome and I had fun in the process- I introduced the contemporary and the product side to the workshop, which I don’t normally do in my practice until the end, but I found it much easier to work knowing what was producing so I will be taking that forward with me especially during this last year of uni as we are needing to think more of context. 
Reflecting back through this unit I have completed 3 workshops in the space of 7-8 weeks. & it all was/is a great experience to have. 
I have learnt so much from this unit:
- Child protection 
- How to plan a workshop
- Lesson planning
- How to work with people with special needs
- Working with Edlab
- Ways to give and receive feedback
- A workshop for young children (primary age)
- Charities and organisations to gain experience with and from
- Body language 
- A short 10 minute micro teach
- Placement
- Workshop for secondary school children 
- Workshop for adults (UNIT X) 

And all that learning has given me the confidence and awareness of how to work collaboratively and confidently as a team. I had a mix response on my first day of the unit as I was so happy to have a break from my course, I didn't need to do any designs, no boards to show the tutor but it was being placed in a group throughout the whole unit - That was the wary bit, but I overcame my feelings and was pushed out of my comfort zone, which now I'm grateful and glad that I had the opportunity for that.

The new discoveries I have personally learnt from myself is how controlled I was working in a group- it was independent as well as collaborative and I liked how I found stain-ability in my group of the importance of gaining a voice and always trying to be involved, from working collaboratively I’ve realised that an idea is never too small or too big as a group you can always work it out, planning time and making time together allows you to enjoy the work your producing collaboratively. 









Pop Up Pom Pom's was a success. It was a relaxed and great experience. The Pom Pom girls have done it again! Our collaboration skills have improved in each workshop we have faced. This workshop audience was for adults and it was more of a calm workshop as I found it much easier to settle and get stuck in. Before we set up at the exhibition space we met each other before hand to get the sign ready, again we just did that all together really, as well as the roles for the night of having front of house, activity leaders etc. we had all that planned but when the workshop started and we got into it we all just naturally took turns and walked around. This workshop was very different to the other two for it being not as structured but this workshop is defiantly the best. Everyone who joined in the Pom Pom making looked so happy and alot of people said of how therapeutic it was! The layout of the table was important for us as we wanted everyone to feel welcomed and to just walk straight in and take a seat due to the layout of the room.. in total there was round 100-200 people who took part in the workshops we had on the night- which a great response to all our pop up workshops!
The way the table looked and was laid out was very welcoming and easy to see.. the garlands that Kitty And Ellie made were beautiful.. at first I was not very keen on them as thought it was wasting time on planning as in that week we had another workshop to be worrying about, but they pulled it off nicely. More in this planning of the workshop it was a joint team effort of us all coming together and making Pom Pom's and planning out how we want it to look and run like, two of the girls said they would buy the yarns, scissors and makers from hobby craft due to them living near each other and a hobby craft but other than that we did all collaborate together.
The unit X exhibition was our 3rd workshop for this unit- and this one for me is the most significant. its was more comfortable for me to be helping adults as I had more of a conversation with them aswell as it being an exhibition, majority of us had similar interests and being from art backgrounds. This workshop made me think about Art Therapy, from peoples feedback of how relaxed they felt and that the worries went once doing a Pom Pom, it being therapeutic process, them learning a new skill old and new, it was just a very calm and safe environment for us as workshop runners and for the audience. The Pom Pom key chains were the best possible outcome for the workshop-  Key rings being new and contemporary so it attracts people straight away, as people like to see an end product which by introducing key ring Pom Pom's made the workshop more beneficial and successful.


The success and popularity of our Pop up Pom Pom's- The group was approached by a fashion student who wanted to use all of our Pom Pom's in her final shoot- she loved how retro and bohemian they looked through the use of colours and materials used. As a group we agreed to let that happen, so we are looking forward to hear back from Ellis and see the photos to which we can out into our portfolios!

Tuesday 10 May 2016


This workshop now being the 2nd one we have delivered in this unit was the most difficult one. How much time, planning and realistic ideas we had to come up with as group was the tough part, as well as doing a workshop with teenage children was scary.. but from saying that we did! The whole experience of visiting Daca will always be memorable as we had the insight into a school which no one could ever do or dream about since leaving there school. Times have changed especially teaching standards. Daca is a very clean and inspiring school and the teaching as a whole is very positive...

The workshop came together as we planned & the kids really got involved. Our outcome of it being a collaborative workshop/experience was better than we expected. (As you can see in the images). The whole experience was collaborative for us as well as the students! Young minds are amazing, they were so chatty, outgoing and willing. All the dread disappeared in that workshop as it was just an enjoyable experience- im so grateful I had the opportunity to run a workshop. This part of the blog I’m not going to explain in detail it’s more of the imagery captured throughout that day which will be more understanding.
Our workshop was all about re-using recycled materials, we had four stations. Station 1: Yarns, Station 2: Plastics, Station 3: Clothes, Station 4: Dyes on fabric. We all had our own Stations to help the students. They create little weave samples for 20 minutes on each station so they could experiment with the materials, the afternoon session consisted of putting the warps on the circular looking coggs we designed, to then they used the materials they have tried out to weave onto the warp, to finish off the day is where the collaborative bit came in of the students working together and creating a installation using there weaves they created and putting them together as whole piece. To break up the day we used Ice Breakers to get the students in the mood as well as using collaborative ones to get them to understand about working together.  As a group we were very proud of the student’s communication and involvement through that lengthy workshop- so a big thanks to the Yr8s & 9s. Well done!














Wednesday 4 May 2016


Today we had to do dry run through for both of the upcoming workshops next week. These dry runs really help and encourage you on the workshops as well as seeing what everyone else is up to in there workshops as you are so wrapped up in your groups workshop that you don’t realise what anyone else is doing.
Unit X workshops – Both groups got a huge approval from Anna and Hannah, they felt confident enough to let our workshops happen on that night. They both seemed excited about our Pop up Pom Pom’s as well as everyone else in the room for that matter. The dry run through went smoothly as a group as we all were confident in what we were doing, from our ideas brain storm we have decided to have crazy party hats with Pom Pom’s on top to which Anna would want everyone to wear (even the other group). Anna and Hannah really did see the fun involved in this workshop which is the response we want our audience to have. We talked through the visual aids that would be presented and our rota system of helpers, front of house and photographers. I was impressed with our group’s success in the Pom Pom area as we made over 30 Pom Pom’s! That shows how carried away we got so our audience will do also, we had various sizes and colours as well as a plastic Pom Pom which looked and felt amazing!


Placement workshop-  To summarise the school has asked for us produce 2 all day workshops for their Yr. 7 class and Yr. 9 class, one group has Yr. 7s and other group Yr. 9s, simple workshop for them to do.
The group I’m in have called ourselves Weavers to make it easier – Annabel, Ellie, Kitty, Vic & Me. (The name of the group gives away what we are doing.) In our dry run we introduced ourselves to the room and played out like they were the students. Explained our imaginary PowerPoint, our imaginary equipment as we just needed to laser cut them etc. As a group when we finished we were very impressed in ourselves. Anna and Hannah feedback was on bringing ice breakers into the workshop also to spread our time out as it being an all-day session, so from that feedback we discussed on what kind of ice breakers we could bring into the session. One to start the kids off in the morning and I don’t know how we came up with this idea but we are going to make a giant plait using long materials i.e. rope, blanket, towel which a girl used in one of her micro teaches to do arm knitting, as a group we agreed on the plaiting as we thought it would be an enjoyable ice breaker first thing In the morning. When discussing the time plan we noticed we had time issues. So we needed to contact Louise for more input.

We did another dry run through again and got to see everyone else’s dry run through again as to incorporate the feedback both tutors given. And Weaver’s workshop felt more like a workshop in ways of how we have an ice breaker and we included a quick feedback section as well. From that we got to go and just write up a more detailed lesson plan.Some groups had to stay behind to have a talk about their schools workshop as the tutors didn't feel confident enough for them to deliver one, So basically the other group from Daca the same placement were on got dropped due to their idea and workshop planning not being successful due to them not co-operating as a group. To which that group have to join our Weavers group as Teaching Assistant’s now.