Thursday 7 May 2015


The group crit was to show the final design and basically let each other see each others journeys.. I found explaining the work I have produced was quite simple, it was the ‘digital designs’ that got more feed back than the original final, the digital designs became more popular ( lines of enquiry blog, photocopy 3&4) so a suggestion was made to see if I could try my deigns out on fabric instead to see what the outcome would be like from that.
As the colour was lost I worked back into my images and created various colour pallets to choose for ready to work with in the deigns I recreated, which I mainly focused on colour, scale and composition.

The image are the ‘digital designs’ to which I did digital prints of, as suggested test out. The fabric used was cotton. These samples I’m very pleased with. How they have turned out has worked well in my favour as I would never have thought to do them. The colour has come out very well, some areas a little too bright but overall very pleased with the outcome. Seeing the outcome of these prints made me question myself a little of asking myself should I of done my final design using digital print, as the marks from the brush would of came out effectively as well as the colour? I do regret not trying out my final design as a digital print.

 Completing the task to finalise my design that I felt happy and confident with.. I was more relieved than anything as now I just had to create this design. Taken from the crit it was fine to say the techniques I was wanting to use just now to get a slot to create my work. The heaviness of fabrics also was helpful as struggling to see what kind would be suitable for my design to which I did need to try out for myself. The type of fabrics was a mixed response of either heavy or light depending on how I wanted my piece to hang.

A day of mixing and testing out dyes. The image is of three fabrics I had to test out. One being cotton satin, heavy cotton and some type of linen. Needing to sample with different types of fabrics to see how the dyes would affect the quality of the fabric and the dyes. The yellow worked very well to the colour pallet whereas the green and the grey did not work as well. The green was too green a lot darker than I expected so adding a reduction paste to it worked wonders, the other type of green seen on the image which looks a little more faded than the rest is the green I wanted and the faded green worked well next to the yellow to bring out the colour more. The grey I wanted I struggled with as going by the recipe it seemed simple but in this case it wasn’t. The grey was a blue ish grey. To resolve this problem was very hard to resolve as it was a case of mixing more colours into the pot and to hopefully get a grey. I did attempt a few times but could not get the right kind of grey, I did improvise a little of making this bluish grey work by knowing I could foil on top of the colour as well as use a little paint to help lift the grey.

Reflecting back on this experience now, it’s the crits that stood out to me the most. Realising now that it is so helpful and useful to have peers to vent to, discuss, de construct and to have a bit of reassurance is brilliant. Time management skills would be helpful for me in the future of organisation.  

Reactive dyes, foiling and paint was the techniques used for my final piece and to finish off using black thread to over lock the edges to create a statement border to bring out the colours even more.


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