Monday 7 March 2016


Workshop Briefing
Group 2 and working with Z Arts that is an after schools club 4-5 a 1 hour workshop but we set up at 3pm. The age group being an after school club is diverse ages start from 4-11 year olds.
The workshop is based on the Peppered moths. Peppered moths are linked to the industrial revolution in Manchester where we have a white moth that was in its natural habitat but when the industrial revolution kicked in the city when black from the soot so the moths became black to blend into the urban habitat so they could survive.
Being the first ever workshop any of us have done before we have a workshop plan to which is led by Hannah. The workshop plan is very structured and easy to go off. So from that we were briefed on how the day should run and consisted of having different workshop stations on how to create these moths.
THE AIM: Create complete peppered moths with environments for the out of schools show.
As a group we needed to come up with ideas on how we are going to do this... so we split this into categories like the workshop plan.
               Moth puppet
-          Pictures of peppered moths on table. VISUAL AIDS.
-          Puppets.
-          Need to be reversible puppet
-          Moths on sticks

Natural Environment
-          Collage? Create a tree environment
-          Collecting sticks, leaves anything natural.
-          3D or flat?

Urban Environment
-          Black paper on wall
-          City scape – visual aids of buildings
-          Favourite building in Manchester?
-          White paint, white chalk if papers black.
-          Drawing buildings.
-          Mark making

Placing moths in enviro
-          Fun facts about the moths.
-          Research of the moths
-          Artists

We have now generated some ideas for each station, to make this easier for us all we split up into groups. Roughly about 3 in each group. I chose urban enviro as love the ideas we pulled together from that talk, I felt that the urban enviro is what I could fit into whereas in natural I felt not interested as it being more 3D and for actually creating the moths I felt like I couldn't make a puppet and I did not really understand the story of the moth.

So being in Urban enviro I’m happy with and feel I could generate ideas further with my group member, I know this group will be good as all doing the same course we are on the same wave length, so we need to go off and think realistically how this is going to work, what will it look like, what do we need for it as we have to source our own materials so we need to keep in mind how many kids we need to buy for which Hannah mentioned to keep about 20-30 children in mind when we start buying.. So for Wednesday I’m hoping to have ideas sketched up and potentially a list of materials to buy and hopefully the girls will have the same to start figuring out the POA for when we do the workshop at Z-Arts.

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