Monday 7 March 2016


The welcome session consisted of us getting to know each other an ice breaker for us all to communicate and to interact with each other without being shy. We had different ice breakers to do. The first one was no communication with each other which was awkward I found as we don’t know each other and yet we can’t speak to each other... from that we had to get in a line in alphabetical order of our surnames first letter. The second task again no speaking we had to get in a line of our birthdays. (Was a little bit of communication as I could not keep quite very long). From that we got to know each other so the other task was being grouped how we was in the line to which he played a game... I remember playing this game as a child where each person draws a certain part of body on a piece of paper and then when it’s done you open it up and there is this hilarious creature on paper! There is nothing more well to bond with people than laughter! That is how you get to know people through humour (I believe that anyway- so don’t quote me). Then moved on to a similar task as the drawing but we had to write a sentence, well the sentences were just hilar... they are always complete gibberish but it’s so hard not to laugh!
The ice breaker tasks were a brilliant way to break the ice, you would take those ice breakers on board into other workshops to get them to do it. The first session was just fun, interactive and what you want on a first workshop session- I felt at ease as the day went on.
A very very serious area to talk about but it was so interesting. This part consisted of safeguarding us with children, child abuse and the different types of abuse and to end on was disclosures, reflecting on the key points of how I can describe this part of session was my feelings towards the session from the child protection and disclosure talk for me were..
SHOCKED- shocked to hear how you CAN NOT TOUCH KIDS. It sounds very odd writing that but its more to point of if a child approaches you wanting to hold your hand then that a no go, if they fall over being your first instinct to help them up but no you can’t. 
INTERESTED- The different types of child abuse... sexual, emotional, physical and neglect. (Child protection policy produced by MMU) From hearing those different types and breaking them down on what do we think, how would we describe physical abuse for example? Is it deliberate? Are any of them deliberate? It was just interesting to hear and to know. 
RESPONSIBLE- disclosures, what to do if this happens to you... with the disclosures session it was more on how to protect me as well as them. If I see something I need to tell someone. Disclosure- where a child or an adult confides in you and tells you about how they are getting abused... yes you can listen BUT you need to tell the abuser how you are happy to listen but I will be passing this on to the appropriate member of staff and they have done the right thing telling me/someone. The thing with disclosure’s or reporting an incident is WE ARE NOT POLICE. WE DO NOT INVESTIGATE AT ALL. If a disclosure happens just pass it on and that’s it don’t dig.

The whole talk and session was an amazing to kick this unit off.

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