Wednesday 16 March 2016


Following that day was our first Edlab workshop.
To reflect on edlab I’m wanting to talk about the very start of that session of what I remembered and felt.
Remembering walking in and sitting down, the tutor started writing on the bored and I think it was meant to spell out quiet but I remember watching her when she wrote it and got confused of which way the I and the e went, just remember her having a little laugh to herself, she then wrote stuff like look etc. Then all a sudden the guy sat at the computer started flicking through this slide show... I’m literally sat looking at my notes as I tried to write down what he said...
·         Conventions in learning theory
·         Behaviourism theory
·         Stimuli and response to stimuli
·         Operant conditioning
·         Social cognitive – look, listen, learn
The bullet points being what I actually wrote down... yep. Gibberish. I did not have a clue what I wrote down and in all honesty I can’t believe I wrote down that. This is a mental note right now * DO NOT WRITE DOWN THINGS YOU DON’T HAVE A CLUE ABOUT* it’s just a waste of time and energy. BUT that whole intro was a set up!! (Jokes on us guys) no seriously that was a demonstration of how to not teach! They were rude, bland, blunt, and too fast.
It was horrible to watch, I think half of the girls gave up writing! As “creative” people that’s one way we don’t like to learn in a quiet, strict, disciplined environment.
It was how we were sat as well that they brought up that I didn’t notice, it cut us off, it was very old school of we are the teachers you sit and learn. Seriously hate that style of learning as you don’t learn!
From that it lead into how we could create a good, energetic learning environment. So we did a task called “Hack the space” creating a welcoming space, mannerisms when coming into the room, clear speech.
I loved the activity of hacking the space and found it very helpful and useful of how to teach.

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