Thursday 19 February 2015

Connections: The what, how and why in ‘Drawing’ and ‘Embroidery’

I did not really identify what to draw specifically, from my research of data I produced mark makings which I suppose I did identify to develop further into embroidery. To begin it was the samples that lead the direction of what I was trying to communicate through grounds and basic machine work to re-create these marks through texture. The samples I'm talking about are the five I produced towards the end as I feel they do have a connection which tells the story of how I have achieved these samples. With the samples that I created I chose them because of the development process I went through of re drawing from samples and identifying key areas to produce further designs from them which I then planned out of how embroidery can interrupt these basic designs.
Seeing from how I started to seeing the final 5, the connection is clear that drawing has really influenced the designs to which have now became something different on the machine, it is easy to draw and create simple and hard designs on paper with a Biro
or pencil with dashes of colour to then recreating on the machine it’s a different story as the machine and even hand, does take control and gives the designs more life more texture to what your original, simple design is on paper. Colour in my sketch book was not intentional I just used any colour but I started using a bright yellow to which I liked using and in contrast with black and white it made the designs come to life more, so to keep the connection I chose yellow PVC material, this PVC I have not used before and I generally chose it because of the bright colour and when feeling the material it linked well as it was a flat fabric just like the paint, the PVC was mainly the only fabric I thought about in comparison to the other fabrics I combined it with cottons, the use of hand and machine with appliqué technique made the samples more textured.

The body of work produced I feel is up to standards for the time given as through drawings and development it shows the connection to the samples to which like I said I decided to work into more of samples to develop the marks. To then that’s when the time frame fits in, to produce 10-15 samples a week was a challenge and to keep at it was hard to juggle machine time and drawing time and to make fast decisions but the decision making was not as hard as I thought as I allowed myself to roll with it and see what will happen with my work when it is put to the machine or hand, I would of preferred longer to really push my samples more by being based on further drawings.

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