Thursday 19 February 2015

Construct- Sibling / Sister by Sibling

This trio of designer’s is what has caught my eye, just searching for them and seeing the work pop up and it shows that the work is energetic, fun, vibrant. Key words to young designer’s to get there work noticed. In all honesty it was how they came up with their research and designs and physically made them into these cat walk ready garments, as in this rotation of knit I'm finding it hard to communicate my ideas into
                                                                                                                          “In essence, our signature is to take something very ordinary, in this case, something that’s not a precious material, and make it wondrous.” – Sibling

The work being so bold and fun of knit wear the collection the trio create being inspired by youth culture with the help of pop art and even punk to get the bright colours and the graphics by their strong influences. Reading through a few articles and interviews of the sibling trio, the impression of them is comforting of them not being stuck up designers, some from small run down towns to which made them push towards the dream of working in London to which individually worked and worked, took gap years, worked and finally collaborated and built the business- they are each truly inspiring individuals. They cater to many styles but it’s more of the individuality of the influences that makes this trio unique, from being three strong knit wear lovers of cat walk fashion.

The images presented are a different approach to how people perceive the trio of them being asked to re designers Cinderella’s dress for the 20th anniversary for Disney land Paris. I wanted to talk about this certain collection purely for the enjoyment of the work they produce, it’s more of jealousy and envy of this trio I have of who wouldn't want to work with Disney land Paris and re-create our loved Disney princess? But also its how they have communicated the work clearly, seen on the image above that’s the context, that is what they are wanting to achieve- keeping the research out to reference back, really getting in depth with the work of the trio being the mice in Cinderella’s story of them being the human version and modern version to the fairy tale. For me I found it hard to communicate my designs to knit but from seeing the development of this project it shows how you can achieve drawings/designs into knits.

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