Tuesday 12 April 2016


This group tutorial was a little different to how I've experienced a tutorial.. properly because we had to do work in a tutorial. Anyway we read through a blog post for this unit (wasn't a student from last year, think a few years ago) we read that students key blog post 1, the key post we just did before half term.
we had to read through this blog and see if it was good or not. red, amber , green. the group agreed it was a amber, from that we had to mark down that blogs areas of strengths, areas for improvement, opportunities for future development. before starting that we got given the matrix that staff use to mark our blogs to give the student a mark basically. 
this was to show us a insight into how staff would mark us for real and using them guides is how they give us marks.

Sheets given for the task.
Assessment sheet- strengths etc.

it came to the conclusion that we were very harsh markers.. whereas Hannah explained that the student would of got graded around 50.. whereas the group were saying more 40-47 and two of us thought it was a straight fail. if you can see on the picture there is "X" where I graded the student which was the low 40's - maybe I am a harsh marker in this case as im very straight to the point with things and i felt like that students blog was everywhere, they could of got a good mark if they did what was meant to be done and is a KEY word to the brief which was research. just didn't have it, they had everything else of key engagement to the workshops but just missed what the key blog was meant to be about getting the research in there as they had really good points and information but just didn't take it further..
Matrix sheet

In between all that we had brief feedback about our key post. I'm guessing mine was good.. Hannah said it was really good that I had primary research and it was detailed of how I went and contacted someone in the profession i was researching about, likes how i have my own voice but that was mainly about the other blog posts etc... just thought as we was marking that blog post we would of been given a mark to go off and how to improve but it seemed to not be like that, felt like I don't really know exactly how well it was for a KEY post.
so for my own plan im going to keep on blogging how im blogging, get my blogs up ASAP and just keep going with it.

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