Thursday 14 April 2016


The ideas foundation talk was a great insight and very detailed information given to this charity run organisation. It was very constructive into how you could apply the programme called creative collab.

creative collab

creative collab is for a teacher in a school and a under grad in year 3 to collaborate with each other, the programme is wanting to get an eco network of supportive in future relationships. the point in creative colab is to bring digital awareness into schools, look at it like this. as the younger generation "we" (using we loosely) kind of know how to work technology and certainly the younger generation know how to work it perfectly! so they are wanting a digital designer in residence to bring more digital awareness into the schools with the help of teacher. you will learn off the teacher (obviously) but the teacher will learn these new fresh skills off you, especially if your bringing your own practice into the school. On creative collab you do get paid which is a bursary and they were saying its properly the £450 mark. the creative collab wouldn't just be a great experience for you but also you can include it on your CV to which will make your CV really stand out from the crowd.. with creative collab you can do it for unit X as well,so for me it sounds like a brilliant opportunity to do, but depending on my course im needing to know if i will be taking part in unit x when in year 3. But Deborah told us how to apply for next year a step by step and key date guide.

Digital designer information
Tom is the digital designer in residence at the moment, he is in his final year and doing the creative collab programme, It was really good insight for us to hear Tom talk about his experience and his advice for us if we was wanting to apply for the creative collab. Tom mentioned about volunteering and the places where to volunteer for as it looks good on your CV as well as volunteering will help you more for this kind of practice.
* out reach team      * the shed       * mentoring scheme      * local schools
During the talk Deborah pointed out the importance of this organisation due to schools trying to AXE art as a curriculum completely.. (just let that sentence sink in..) they feel like art takes kids away from the "REAL" world, so the school just wants to focus on Maths, English and Science, you know the key things you use every day in life? like algebra or stem cell of a flower.
Anyway the creative collab is wanting this collab more and more and wanting more and more art based student, teachers, artists to push the word of art out! With the collab they are always wanting you to have a legacy, so what you and your teacher are doing will be your legacy for yourself and the school.
After the talk we had Q&A time. what was very interesting to hear is that you can apply with someone in your practice or in another practice already.. a joint application. as the collab is about digital some students here do not have much digital skills like some others. for example im a textile student who uses Photoshop and illustrator on a daily basis, that's how I do my designs by drawing by hand and then getting them onto the software. whereas someone else in textiles does not use Photoshop or illustrator they would use a sewing machine to do designs or screen printing again by hand but dont use the software. so we could come together and do a joint application for creative collab and work together with the teacher and the school, which I feel is a great idea because some people would rather do that as they feel they can work better with someone from there own practice plus even in our own practice we dont really work together anyway so it would be good for two people to come together for it.
I F will be a organisation im going to keep an eye on, especially for next year for my final year as it really would be a great learning curve for me.

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