Wednesday 20 April 2016


The micro teach session I delivered was called blind wallpaper – I'm wanting to reflect on the feedback given in the session as this being the first time of written feedback.
Learning Outcome: For all peers to interact & work as a team in a fun and creative way whilst learning the simple steps into a repeat pattern. Communication skills are key part into this workshop.
How will you know that this has happened? When all peers have completed pattern on paper.
In this 10 minute session the students would work together and cooperate with each other to make a basic wallpaper repeat... sounds easy enough? But as it was that easy, I decided to twist things and have one student blind folded so that there partner would have to communicate with them very clearly to create a pattern using a sponge and some paint. The prep work beforehand I made simple enough for myself to refer back to let alone the students, my lesson plan is very clear and explained enough ready for me to refer back to if needed. (Which I didn't need anyway) the plan is always a gamble as things can go wrong or things could go smoothly which luckily in my case went smoothly. Also I placed visual aids on the table as well as a sheet for myself to refer to whilst I explained the 2 pattern repeats.

Visual Aids - Basic Repeat Patterns.

I felt really calm and at ease. Talking to others and explaining to others does not bother me, after my micro teach was over it was nice and constructive feedback from the group. Reading through the feedback sheets from the group it looked like they enjoyed the session and were very constructive and clear- the group learnt the two patterns that is needed in repeat as well as communication skills. I’m happy with that being what they all agreed on as that was the learning outcome throughout.
Planning & delivery, again they all had similar feedback of agreeing that my planning was good by having the visual aids (Handouts)  ready for them, as well as my pep time of laying out everything and having all equipment ready to hand. The delivery side it was a mutual feeling that they found my workshop well-structured of having an intro, main body and conclusion and it being a generally nice intro in the world of textile printers, they found I was clear and confident with good body language and motivation involved.  The feedback from Planning and delivery I'm over the moon about and I’m happy the group picked up on my time management being good as well as being well structured.
Areas of good practice & areas of future attention/development, Again very similar feedback for the examples of good practice of the group agreeing that I prepped the workshop very well and being organised with materials and handouts as well as clear instructions into the session, I liked how two of the students picked up on the task being made into a fun workshop and how positive I was being with the learners and how I wrapped up the session by using praise.
The attention area was more directed to me of if I had longer than 10 minutes then I could expand on different shapes, or even using stamps as well as different colours. Somebody on the feedback gave me a good room for thought of building a changeover time into the workshop and have the pair pass on their pattern to the group next to them and the other pair pass there paper onto the next pair and then they all have each other paper and for them in a different colour try and carry on a repeat pattern and let them do that until they get there original paper back.

I love that idea! I wish I thought of that! Overall as like I said above I felt confident and calm because of the lesson planning and prep work I out into the micro teach. It was a very quick and enjoyable experience and would be a good skill to bare in mind of producing quick workshops to get the ball rolling.

Groups wallpaper samples.

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