Friday 29 April 2016


Collaboration. In simple terms it’s very easy to use the word collaboration as if you have actually done the thing – you can say you have collaborated with someone by just asking them a question or just turning up on the day. Collaboration for me is in depth- it’s getting to know your ‘collaboration’ it’s getting to discuss the pros and cons involved, it’s about helping when things go wrong as well as helping when things go right, it’s about being involved constantly. That collaboration thought is exactly how it worked out for me and the group I’m placed in.
I tried to googling the word COLLABORATION. I agree its when two or more people come together to share the same experience but it was how the research on this word picked out sorts of learning experiences as bad collaboration and how bad collaboration is more memorable to others than the good in collaboration- which is true in sense's as you always remember the bad instead of the good as it marks you. which in this case and so far in this Unit I have not had a bad case of collaboration just experienced hiccups along the way.

The practice I’m in its rare you collaborate with someone whilst working on your designs, only way you collaborate is when you’re wanting to try a new skill, which reading that now sounds lonely. But I’m not lonely in this Unit, I have loved the collaborating experience. I’ll be sad when this unit ends of being back to just me but I feel that the skills I have gained will make me work much differently now. Plus the experience i have gained through collaboration will now give me the confidence to be able to either assist or guide other students in the near future.


Z arts being our first collaborating assignment, Having planned that workshop ourselves putting ourselves into even smaller groups on who would be better in that area, working with each other, communicating with each other in group messages and meeting each other then reflecting what we had done so far ready for the workshop, buying all the equipment.. I felt our groups collaborative response was committed from day one because of how amazingly well that workshop went for us all. 
 Reflecting back on that now I have seen all of us grow together and come out confidently through this of us talking and getting to know each other’s strengths and weaknesses in areas.. We know who the best talkers are in the group and the quieter ones, academic, organised, creative ones,But there is always down sides to the collaboration of you being that much involved and dedicated to getting all these lesson plans out, all the samples prepped, that it can lead to being very ‘Aggy’ and grumpy people which leads to motivation going downhill and ideas leading different ways BUT if you are in the right group you can always come out of that 'dark side' as you go away and sleep and the next day the group is picking you up again! and BAM your motivation levels kick back in, but if your not co operating with the group or don't really have a connection to the others it leads on to people releasing they do not like working collaboratively and prefer to work alone – (which is understandable, its not everyone's cup of tea) but it puts a strain in the group, of the group trying to not give them jobs they want to do as they don’t want to do anything which is more work for the people who want to be there but obviously easy work for them who don’t want to be there. Yes, collaborative work has its pro’s and con’s but what doesn't?!
The group I have been placed in has come out of 4 main people (5 including me) of being determined and willing to collaborate with each other. As a group we have come together, talk to each other constantly about the upcoming workshops happening, planning our lessons plans together, working on ideas together, asking about each others blogs together. We have come together collaboratively and have come out of the end of it as friends.

I feel for further development for me would to be more at ease of collaboration in my own practice, open minded of ideas of how different and extravagant they may be is to allow myself to be open and willing with others, problem may occur but talking and getting feedback about it will always overcome them- I feel that working collaboratively has really helped me develop my people skills. to which the skills im wanting to take forward with me in my own practice will come to use in the next workshops, and me working with my group and to keep on communicating and working together im sure we will come out successful in both workshops.

All from different backgrounds but that ties it together whilst working collaboratively.

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