Sunday 25 October 2015

Intentions Brief.

Complex – Hard, Difficult, Things in the way.     Geometric.
Minimal- Smallest, Least, Barely adequate

The theme chosen Complex/ Minimal. The reason being that the two words interest me of being so bleak. Nothing by them words can give anything away, it isn’t as straight forward as the other themes. From choosing the words I tried to think of my work of comparing the words to the work produced. I feel confident with the words. I want to understand the meanings more than just my definition of them. To extend the meaning more is having source of materials. I’m needing complex to be more of the source than minimal as the work I produce can be quite minimal but then again it can be very complex. Complex or minimal places? Or Complex or minimal people? I need the source to interest me instantly.
To get this started, Needing to extend my source of material to gather interesting visual research combined with drawings to develop the research further of Complex, Minimal. The likes of shapes and geometrics come into mind for this brief. . Developing this visual research will be mainly through mark makings as very selective colour schemes to which could be complex and minimal. How I interrupt the theme now is I’m using the words more than actually letting the words take the lead.
The specialist area is wallpaper design, Marimekko is the style I’m leaning towards in this brief, Tracy Kendal being a general influence of Kendall’s work being textured. And for complex/minimal I find them words just fit in with the specialist area to which should lead me towards interiors.

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