Sunday 11 October 2015

Intentions Tutorial- Feedback two.

Own Photo- Church Macclesfield

Own Photo- Macclesfield
The progress beginning to find new initial research has benefitted my newer drawings a lot, I felt I had more to work with and to create with. Visiting a church in my home town of Macclesfield. this church is located right in the town centre of Macclesfield as is known for its calmness whilst sit eating butty in the sun. I felt a church would further the development of its shapes from the architecture as well as the gates.

Placing work on the table and looking at it as a whole piece really surprised me as I felt like it really did create something on its own, all different qualities of drawings, techniques presented together as a whole thing. As I explained of what the images consist of was me working freely with the theme and developing the theme I had picked up which related to shapes mainly circles and squares. Producing many drawings to keep generating an idea it was clear to see I was happy with the drawing side and could further the idea in each design but some designs were very 'smart' 'clean' where am used to 'mess' I explained this to the group of how my style has adapted in this certain theme. Also lacking was colour- I don't know I felt like I needed a colour scheme as the work being mono.
Development work. Created on a App.
The feedback I was given was very assuring and I just had in my head of the group being disappointed with what I've produced for some reason, but again I was the same last week as its a hard position to be in speaking in a tutorial.
It was noted that I should 'not feel'- 'don't feel' meaning don't try and get colour out of my work it will happen naturally as it has been in my work already of which I had not noticed before that the colour green has slowly made an appearance, but if I felt like I want to then to try a range of colours- subtle colour maybe to relate to the minimal side of the theme.
Balance- mark making, clean. experiment the theme OPPOSITES.
Scale- Up the scale, get out of sketch book. A3,A2,A1 play around with the scale.
Composition- think a little more into the composition. ( Drawing workshop will help think more about that)
Research- Ell Decorations. Ikea of the Swedish interiors, outside the United Kingdom of interiors like Northern Europe- Scandinavia
 From the feedback the plan is to defiantly have a look back at the work and look at my key elements to  get my work to look like something. Again keeping the drawings flowing and developing them more and more to which hopefully by next week you can start seeing a development come together of designs.

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