Sunday 11 October 2015

Intentions Workshop- Drawings Task Two.

Think About Print Design process. The Approaches, starting to think and create design ideas by playing around with them. For this Task of using Three images of our own work to bring and photocopy two lots of. The Three Pieces I chosen were for these reasons. The first is what I produced in the other workshop session and it was the layers and the mark making that I liked about this piece. The second piece was the line work involved and how again they overlap which gives the piece a geometric feel. The third was the vibrant green that stood out for me and the bold collage squares.
Task- Design ingredients, element's to make designs. Develop drawings to designs- photocopies into collage. working in layers, seeing the designs in layers. screen and scale, scale up- larger equipment being used - bigger brushes a projector.
Create a design using photocopies and a range of media to then play around with a repeat process, experimenting to which should design real  life designs.
This Task I did find hard to grasp at first as to think like a designer of what would work for others than yourself. selecting key sections out of my own work, which areas would work like that and then this, it was quite hard at first. the aim was to create one design piece your happy with. my first attempt I photographed to see which way the pattern would look better but I had to leave it in the end as I couldn't get the feel. I would get back to that work.

 Starting a new design was a bit more easier as I knew what didn't work for me in the last one even though I did leave it half way through.. well this design I started to think more of my lines that the circles and of what of the circles worked for me better to give an interesting shape. I liked how this piece didn't repeat itself very much but it looked like a repeat if that makes sense. the lines really helped bring the piece in more giving your eye more to look at and using smaller circular shapes to get more detail involved. the detailing was influenced by Timorous Beastie of his attention to detail being small and big.

The first design I started I did eventually start to work back into the design of using colour to help further the thought as well as repeating process.
The outcome of both of the works have made me think more of colour, pattern and composition to which for the rest of the week I will be thinking more of to create further designs.

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